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Solucionario Morris Mano Diseno Digital

Solve your problems! You’ve heard of using a strategy, or taking your life into one’s own hands. Using this strategy, you will be able to solve the most difficult problems that you come across in your everyday life. We know that sometimes we can get stuck on something; whether it is temporary or permanent, our body has the ability to restore itself and overcome any problem. Have no fear! With this 7-step process, you will be able to bring back mastery over yourself and make any challenge easier to conquer. The first step is to visualize your goal. It is very important that you are clear about what you want out of this process, otherwise it will be very hard to accomplish your goal. You must not use external factors but only the power within you. The second step involves "Grounding Yourself". This exercise will help to center your body and mind in order for them to become one with what is required at the time. For example, if I am thirsty, my body is craving water; if I want food, my body desires energy; if I desire to find answers or answers, there is part of me that goes into retreat and allows the answers to appear. We are not the masters of our lives, but we are its servants. Be grateful for what you have and do not ask for anything else than God's grace. The third step is to bring your mind into "Presence." This involves bringing your mind into the present moment, so that you can be aware of all that is happening around you. When you are focused on your goal, it becomes easier to achieve what you want out of life. It is good to be aware at all times; this will allow you to see the beauty within nature and it will make more sense when things happen around us. All things are connected; keep this in mind as everything has an aspect underneath their appearance. The fourth step is to be "Still." This means that you are aware of everything around you, but you do not move. If an object or person enters your space, it is best to give them space. It may seem like a simple task, but it is difficult to do in the beginning and requires a lot of commitment and perseverance. When we become calm and relaxed we start to notice things we never did before; we also get the energy needed for our daily lives. The fifth step is finding "Balance." Once our mind and body are in harmony, all that remains is for us to find peace within ourselves. An important aspect of this step is not letting our ego lead the way. It gives us courage to do what we need to do, but it must be done without any sense of self-importance. The sixth step is learning "Acceptance." When you accept things that are happening around you without denying the truth within them, you will start to create more fulfilment in your life. If some negative situations happen, they are there to show us something; they are like presents for our growth and development. Accepting them is like accepting an old friend who has gone on his/her journey; he/she may return one day or not at all. The seventh step is learning how "to give". eccc085e13

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